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My name is Andrea Virgili and with my brother Paolo we are the owners of Cantine Virgili, one of the reference companies in the Mantuan Lambrusco panorama.
The history of our company has its roots in the early '900, when my grandfather Angelo Virgili, founder of the family, following his intuition, decided to abandon animal farming to devote himself to his true passion in Bondanello di Moglia: viticulture.
In the first post-war period, his sons Luigi and Leandro following their father's footsteps moved first to Pegognaga and then to Mantua, where they opened a “fiaschetteria”. Things were going well to the point that in 1961 a farm called "Loghino Dante" was acquired at the gates of the city: it is here that the “Cantina F.lli Virgili” was born and it is here that our company is still based today.
About twenty years later, however, the destinies of Luigi and Leandro take different paths; my father chose to carry on the winery, these were difficult years but he knew that he can count on his determination and the precious help of my mother Lina, who wasalways at his side.
The turning point in the company took place a few years later, when my brother and I joined the company. Raised since childhood in the cellar, we have working in our blood but above all we share the same vision and the same passion for the land and the vineyard.
Our partnership has brought innovation and investments: in 1992 new vineyards have been acquired on the Mantuan hills, where we also plant Lambrusco vines. It seemed a crazy idea, but the result wassurprising: a wine combining the structure of the Po valley with the elegance of the hill. Its name is Pjaföc, a product that still today is for many Mantuans the name of Lambrusco,  but also the expression of the inexhaustible desire to experiment of our company.



wine taste
Wine Tasting Experience 01 min
Wine Tasting Demetrius Fordham



Venite a scoprire l’esperienza di una degustazione guidata dei nostri prodotti, un vero e proprio viaggio sensoriale alla scoperta del territorio mantovano.

Le nostre proposte, solo su prenotazione, sono:

  • degustazione di una selezione di tre prodotti € 15
  • degustazione di una selezione di quattro prodotti € 20

Ogni degustazione sarà accompagnata da: salumi e formaggi tipici del territorio.

Modalità di prenotazione:

Le degustazioni, prenotabili allo 0376/322560 con almeno 48 ore di anticipo, hanno una durata di circa un’ora e prevedono un massimo di 10 persone.


Per richiedere una degustazione, chiamaci al 0376 322560 o clicca il pulsante sottostante per compilare il form. Ti ricontatteremo per confermare.
Si prega di notare che siamo chiusi la domenica e abbiamo bisogno di un appuntamento in anticipo per altri giorni.
Non vediamo l'ora di vederti in cantina!

Andrea Virgili

Andrea Virgili

The idea that from the beginning has inspired our philosophy was to give life to a young company but with ancient roots, innovative and anticipator of the market, but at the same time guardian of the land and its traditions even when choosing innovative solutions.
With its intense color, evanescent foam and its bubbles, Lambrusco is a fresh, fragrant and lively wine that brings joy, a convivial wine that makes you think of laughter and tables with friends. And this is precisely the image and dignity that we wanted to return to a wine too long mistreated by a bad marketing strategy of the 70s.
Today, inside each of our glasses of wine, you can feel the heart of those who live the vineyard and the territory to grasp every detail, the love and passion in the care of the vineyards, the commitment to harvesting the grapes and the patience waiting for the wine to be mature and acquire its own and unrepeatable personality becoming an interpreter of the territory.


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